2023: Rhyl Town Centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) consultation
Why are we doing this?
We are consulting on implementing a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre.
What is a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO)?
A PSPO bans certain activities or behaviours within a geographical area, which may be considered to be anti-social.
It is usually implemented by the local County Council, and is usually enforced by the local Police authority. They can be put in place for a specified period of time, up to a maximum of 3 years.
What is included in the Proposed PSPO
You can download a full copy of the proposed PSPO as it would be implemented from the following link:
Draft Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre (PDF)
In brief, the proposed PSPO prohibits the following anti-social behaviours within Rhyl Town Centre:
Anti-Social Behaviour
Anti-social behaviour includes causing nuisance, alarm or harrassment to a person, group of people and/or property.
Street Drinking
Street drinking refers to the consumption of alcohol in a public place. A 'container' of alcohol includes (but may not be limited to): bottles, cans, flasks, glasses, cups, or any other container capable of containing liquids.
Where will be affected by the proposed PSPO?
The PSPO covers Rhyl Town Centre. You can view the proposed PSPO boundaries in a map below:
View the proposed PSPO boundary map (PDF)
You can also view a text description of the PSPO boundary, provided as a list of streets:
- Rhyl Promenade from East Parade to Alexandra Road
- South from East Parade down Bath Street
- From Brighton Road to the junction with Grange Road Bridge and west to Elwy Street
- Elwy Street to the junction with Wellington Road
- Wellington Road to John Street
- John Street to West Parade, including the promenade
What happens if someone violates the PSPO?
Any person or group of people failing to mind the restrictions set out in the PSPO within the restricted area will be causing an Offence. An authorised person will have the authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice (a fine) to the person or people committing an offence. The person or people who have been issued a fine will have 14 days to pay the Penalty or the authorities will seek a conviction for the offence.
How can a penalty received in the PSPO area be appealed?
Anyone who receives a penalty for violating the conditions of the PSPO within the restricted area will have 6 weeks to appeal the penalty from the date it has been issued. If the PSPO is enabled, details of how to appeal will appear on the Council's website.
What do we want to know?
Tell us what you think
We would welcome any comments or observations.
You can feed back in one of the following ways:
1. Complete the online feedback form:
Have your say - Rhyl Town Centre Public Space Protection Order 2023-24
Feedback form will be available from Monday 13th November 2023
2. Complete a paper version of the feedback form and return it to any Denbighshire County Council Library or One Stop Shop
PRINT VERSION: Have your say - Rhyl Town Centre Public Space Protection Order 2023-24 (PDF)
3. Email corporateprogrammeoffice@denbighshire.gov.uk
4. Write to Corporate Programme Office, PO Box 62. Ruthin LL15 9AZ
The closing deadline for all responses is 21st January 2024
Location: Rhyl
Start date
13 November 2023
End date
21 January 2024
Feedback Forms, Consultation Document, Questionnaire - Online
Denbighshire County Council
What we found out
Update 8th February 2024:
We would like to thank everyone who took part in this consultation. We received 100 responses, which we are currently reviewing. A final decision on the next steps for the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre, will be made via a Lead Member Delegated Decision and we will provide a further update in due course
What difference has it made?
Update: 7th March 2024
Following approval of the Delegated Decision Report by the Lead Member for Housing & Communities, we can confirm that the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for Rhyl Town Centre will be enacted as proposed, with effect from 4th April 2024.
Signage will be placed around the PSPO boundary at least 28 days before the PSPO comes into effect.
For more information and to view the PSPO as enacted in full, please visit the Council’s main website:
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