What does Meifod mean to you?
Why are we doing this?
Hello. What does Meifod mean to you?
What is Meifod and who does it support?
Meifod Wood Products is a Council-run service based on the Colomendy Industrial Estate in Denbigh. Meifod provides day services with a purpose, to a range of people in Denbighshire with disabilities or other complex needs. People who go to Meifod are supported to create wood products such as garden furniture, which are then sold locally to residents and businesses.
What's happening to Meifod right now?
Nothing is currently happening to Meifod, the site has been closed since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Council is keen to resume services for people who go to Meifod as soon as it is safe and practical to do so, however unfortunately Meifod cannot resume in exactly the same way as it ran before Covid-19 for the following reasons:
- The building currently requires repairs
- Some of the equipment requires repairing or upgrading to make it compliant with the latest Covid-19 and other Health & Safety guidance
- There is some uncertainty about our ability to continue providing exactly the same products due to global market trends (e.g. the price of wood has increased significantly)
Additionally, we know that some people have told us that they will not be returning to Meifod.
Before spending money fixing things, buying new things and looking for new suppliers, the Council is keen to review the services that Meifod provides and to ensure that it is still the best fit for as many people as possible.
What do we want to know?
To help us understand the way forward, the Council would like to ask you some questions around the following key theme:
What does Meifod mean to you?
To start with, we will be speaking to the following people:
- People who currently attend Meifod (or attended prior to the Covid-19 pandemic). We will do this with support from an independent advocate
- The families and caregivers of people who attend Meifod
- Staff and agency staff who support people who attend Meifod
We know that Meifod is a much-loved community asset so please be assured that if you are a regular customer of Meifod or if you live locally and you support the work that Meifod does: we will talk to you soon. Our first priority is making sure that the people who attend Meifod and their families/caregivers have their needs met and that our valued staff and agency staff are supported also.
If you are one of our priority stakeholders, please complete the relevant quesitonnaire:
People who go to Meifod: what does Meifod mean to you? This questionnaire will be completed with support from an independent advocate
Families/caregivers of people who go to Meifod: what does Meifod mean to you?
Staff / agency staff working at Meifod or supporting people who go to Meifod: what does Meifod mean to you?
Location: Denbigh
Start date
28 July 2021
End date
08 September 2021
Denbighshire County Council
What we found out
Please check back for results
What difference has it made?