Denbighshire County Council's Climate and Ecological Change Strategy (2021/22-2029/30)

Why are we doing this?

Denbighshire County Council declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency in July 2019 which committed the Council to become net carbon zero by 2030 and improve biodiversity.

We ran a public engagement event in January and February 2020 asking for your feedback on the Council’s net carbon zero and ecologically positive goals and your ideas on how the Council can achieve them by 2030. You can read more about that engagement by clicking this link.

Building on your ideas we have worked with Members and Officers from across the Council to develop the Council’s Climate and Ecological Change Strategy (2021/22 – 2029/30).
This is the draft document we would be delighted if you would read and then let us know what you think.

The document explains what we mean by the goals net carbon zero and ecologically positive Council, how the Council is currently performing on both, what we hope 2030 will look like for the Council having achieved our goals and the changes and actions we hope to deliver over the next 9 years.

You can read the strategy document by clicking the link below:

- Denbighshire County Council's Climate and Ecological Change Strategy (2021/22-2029/30)

We have also produced versions of the strategy document in different formats. These can be read by clicking the appropriate link below:

- Youth friendly version

- Easy read version

Net Carbon Zero infographic summary

Ecologically Positive infographic summary

The consultation closes on Monday 7th December.


What do we want to know?

You can tell us what you think of our draft strategy in the following ways:

1. Completed the online survey

- You can find the survey by clicking this link.

2. Attend the online public meeting via zoom

- This is taking place on Monday 23rd November, 6.30-8.00pm. It will be an online meeting on the video conferencing platform called Zoom.

- If you would like to come along to the online meeting you need to register by 12 noon on Friday 20th November. Please register your attendance by filling the online form by clicking this link.

Your feedback will help shape the final version of the Council’s Climate and Ecological Change Strategy (2021/22 – 2029/30) which will then be voted on by Cabinet and Full Council in the New year on whether to adopt it or not.

Location: Denbighshire County Council

  • Start date 12 November 2020
  • End date 07 December 2020
  • Methods Questionnaire - Online, Consultation Event
  • Supplier Denbighshire County Council

What we found out

Many thanks for your contribution to Denbighshire County Council’s Draft Climate and Ecological Change Strategy Public Consultation which was run in November and December last year.


The responses received have been collated and analysed and a consultation summary document has been produced.


Please click here to access the document.

What difference has it made?

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Department/ service area:

Corporate Support Service: Performance, Digital and Assets

Full address:

County Hall
Wynnstay Road
LL15 1YN


Tîm prosiect newid hinsawdd / Climate change project team

Contact numbers:

Phone:01824 706000