Welsh in Education Strategic Plan consultation
Why are we doing this?
Denbighshire County Council is currently preparing a new 10-year Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) for 2022-2032, and is carrying out consultation on its draft plan, which has been prepared in accordance with Welsh Government guidance.
The draft plan sets out the Council’s vision for Welsh-medium education, followed by a number of targets and actions, based around 7 Outcomes, with the aim of increasing the use of Welsh in education over the next 10 years. These outcomes will contribute towards achieving the Welsh Government’s Cymraeg 2050 Strategy, which aims to have one million Welsh speakers by 2050.
What do we want to know?
If you are a parent to a child at a Denbighshire school, a parent to a future child at a Denbighshire school, a Pupil, a Governor, live in Denbighshire, or you're an organisation that works with the Council in a professional capacity, we'd like to invite you to have your say on our plan.
We would like to know your views on our plan, and in particular, to what extent you agree that the Council’s plans will lead to an increase in the number of pupils accessing Welsh-medium education by 2032.
Following completion of the consultation period, the views of all respondents will be summarised in a report which will be presented before the Cabinet of Denbighshire County Council in December 2021. They will decide whether to amend the plan before submitting to Welsh ministers for approval.
The Welsh Ministers may:
- approve the Plan as submitted,
- approve the Plan with modifications, or
- reject the Plan and prepare another Plan which would be treated as the authority’s approved Plan
How to get involved:
Download the draft Plan (opens in a new window).
If you have any observations, you can respond by:
- sending an email to modernisingeducation@denbighshire.gov.uk
- Writing a letter to: Education and Childrens Service, Denbighshire County Council, PO Box 62, Ruthin, LL15 9AZ
Location: Denbighshire County Council
Start date
14 October 2021
End date
07 December 2021
Consultation Document
Denbighshire County Council
What we found out
Please check back for results
What difference has it made?
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