Health and social care in Denbigh
Why are we doing this?
Update, Monday 22nd March 2021
This engagement activity closed on 21st March 2021. We are currently analysing all of your responses and we will update this page soon.
We're looking at what health care, social care and housing-related support should be in place in Denbigh and the surrounding area for the future. We are particularly interested in the needs of older people now and over the next 25 years, so our main focus will be on reaching those who are aged 50 and over but we would welcome responses from people of all ages including those with wider health needs and their carers, who live in Denbigh and the surrounding villages.
What do we want to know?
We want to understand your current experience of care, support and housing and get your ideas about what works well and what could improve things. We are interested in the whole range of support in the community which helps keep us mentally, physically and emotionally well. This can include people and places you might use routinely such as General Practice or a community centre, through to those used when you have extra needs, such as home care or hospital.
The information will be used to inform future investment in health and social care provision in the Denbigh area.
Location: Denbigh
Start date
11 February 2021
End date
21 March 2021
Questionnaire - Online, Questionnaire - Telephone
Denbighshire County Council
What we found out
Please check back for results
What difference has it made?
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